Jacobfreibergi, Lake Malawi Butterfly Cichlid
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi

An elongated cichlid whose body shape is similar to that of other Peacock Cichlids. Several different color variations are known, although only one is common in the hobby. A dark, indigo blue color extends along the lower jaw and to the rear part of the body. The forehead and the upper back is reddish-brown in color. Nine to ten faint, but dark, horizontal stripes are located on the body. The first starts just behind the gill cover, and the last ends at the base of the tail. The dorsal and caudal fins are iridescent blue and the pectoral fin is transparent. The anal fin is red and black with an electric blue trim. The first ray of the pelvic fins is also an electric blue color.
This peacock grows to 5" (13 cm) and comes from the rocky and sandy areas of Lake Malawi in East Africa. They inhabit the bottom and middle areas of the tank which should be no less than 40 gallons (150 L). Set-up the tank as one would for other peacock cichlids. Their water parameters should be pH 7.5-8.8 (8.2), 10-25 dH (15), with temperatures of 77-84¡F (25-29¡C)
These fish are a peaceful fish that can be combined in a community tank containing other robust fish. I personally own and raise these fish and they are a delight to keep. Keep one male with several females. The Lake Malawi Butterfly Cichlid has similar behavior to other Peacocks.
They do well on foods such as bloodworms, mosquito larvae, crustaceans, snails, Tubifex; pellets; tablets and their favorite, baby brine shrimp. Make sure they are fed a varied diet.
The females are pale, brown with visible bars while males are more colorful-usually dark indigo blue.
They are an easy cichlid to breed. For more information on breeding these cichlids see the Baensch’s Peacock article. One note of caution, keep plenty of rock work as the male tends to be a bit more aggressive during spawning season.

*This article was written by Cichlid Lover from our forum and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from her.

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