Yellow Dwarf Cichlid

This fish has a stockier, less elongated body than A. agassizi. The caudal fin is fan-shaped with in the male, the dorsal and anal fins meet at a point. The head and the area just behind the gill cover are golden-yellow. The belly and the very top of the back may also be golden-yellow in color. The middle area of the body is pale blue as are the dorsal, pelvic, and front parts of the anal fins. The dorsal and pelvic fins are gold-tipped. The caudal fin and most of the anal fin is golden-yellow. Often a red area develops on the caudal penuncle. When a fish is excited, several transverse marking develop on the sides of the fish. A short, black stripe extend through the eye and to the snout.
The males grow to 2.8" (7 cm),while the female will grow only to 2" (5 cm).
They can be found in shallow swampy regions in South America along the Rio Paraguay and the Pantanal rivers. They are bottom to middle dwellers.
Recommended tanks sizes are 20 gallons (75 L). Follow the recommendations under A. agassizi. They do best with water parameters in the ranges of pH 5-7 (6.5), 1-10 dH (4),with water temperatures of 77-81°F (25-27°C).
A peaceful, although territorial fish that can be combined with other Apistogramma species, catfish, and small characins of the upper swimming levels. Keep one male with several females. This species will not harm plants. Other tankmates include Corydoras , tetras, pencilfish, hatchetfish, Loricarids, Apistogramma and they prefer foods such as crustaceans, insects, insect larvae; flakes; pellets; tablets; finely chopped meat.
When sexing these fish, keep in mind that the males are more colorful, larger, and have elongated anal and dorsal fins. The same breeding techniques used for the Agassizi should be followed but you will find f
ewer eggs (40-70) are laid than Agassizi . The fry are carefully paraded around the tank. In cases where the eggs fail to hatch, the female is said to collect a shoal of Daphnia to protect as if they were her own brood. These fish are normally hard to breed and are sensitive to medications, disease, and poorly maintained water. Make frequent partial water changes. Recently this fish has begun being bred in Singapore for export.

*This article was written by Cichlid Lover from our forum and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from her.

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