Red-Tailed Black Shark; Red-Tailed Labeo

Elongated fish with slight lateral compression. The mouth faces downward and two pairs of barbels are present. The main body color is black which provides an impressive contrast with the striking bright red tail. Specimens kept in unsuitable conditions are paler. These fish grow to 6" (15 cm) and are found in clear and muddy rivers with wood and stones of Southeast Asia, from the Me Nam Chao Playa basin to the Paknampo region in Central Thailand. They inhabit the bottom and middle of the tank. A tank with a capacity of 35 gallons (132 L) is sufficient. Provide multiple hiding places with caves, wood, roots, and rocks. Use a fine gravel or sand substrate for this species will burrow. The tank should be well-planted with robust plants and have dim lighting. The water parameters should be in the ranges of pH 6-7.7 (7.2); 5-18 dH (10); with water temperatures of 73-82°F (23-28°C).
These fish can be kept in a community tank. Keep only one specimen to a tank, because this species is very aggressive to their own and other similar looking species. Keep more than one individual in large tanks (i.e. tanks over 50 gallons). The Red-tailed Shark establishes a territory to defend aggressively. Older fish may become aggressive towards all other fish. Recommended tank mates include Gouramis, Barbs, Danios, Bala Shark, Loaches, Acaras, Eartheaters, Angelfish, hatchetfish, Characins.
This fish should be fed a diet of Algae; flakes; tablets; vegetables; lettuce, spinach; live; insect larvae, Tubifex, crustaceans, aquatic insects.
When sexing, the female is less colorful and larger while the male is slimmer and has an elongated dorsal fin.
Breeding is difficult because of their aggressive behavior towards their own species. They are not bred often, although it has been in accomplished in peat filtered water with a pH of 6.8. Use dim light or no light. They spawn in rocky caves and fry hatch after 30 to 60 hours. The fry are free swimming after four days. Start feeding with small live foods. Their colors change from silvery to silvery brown, to brown and finally to black. The red tail develops after 7 to 10 weeks.

*This article was written by Cichlid Lover from our forum and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from her.

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