What type of housing for your Rabbit?

Here is a guide to housing your rabbit whether it be kept inside or outside.




I don’t know what country you live in so, if you are British this is a good hutch site
http://www.happyhutch.com/ I think they ship abroad but this can be costly they do sell big hutches though. http://www.dummies.com/WileyCDA/DummiesArticle/id-1635.html this has good information about hutches except I disagree with this requirement 1sqft=1pound. The hutch should be at least 5ft by 2ft for a medium sized rabbit so as an adult it can do 4 hops. Out door housing is also a good place to put your rabbits especially if you have a lot mine live in the garage but they are still litter trained and come in the house. Here is where they live http://www.miss-eloise.co.uk click on bunnies. Remember outdoor rabbits can die of shock from cats or birds of pray or any other predators. Fly screen outdoor hutches, to protect against insects. They need to come inside when the temperature reaches 80 degrees or when it gets really cold (as in snow) in cold weather the rabbit will appreciate more hay.


Okay firstly have you considered housing your rabbit inside your house? They can make good house animals because they are litter trainable. Firstly you would need to get them spayed. Visit
http://www.rabbit.org for more information about house rabbits. Remember I feel that the HRS feeds to many veggies and are to biased against breeders.

*This article was written by Dream Lopz of our forum board and may not be copied or reproduced without her permission.

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