Keyhole Cichlid

An oval-shaped cichlid with a short body and a rounded forehead. The body has a mottled golden-brown coloration and occasionally is marked with faint lateral lines. A curved, dark band runs through the eye, from the front ray of the dorsal fin, down to the corner of the gill cover. A characteristic dark splotch, near the midsection of the body, is said to resemble a keyhole - hence this fish's popular name. The fins range from body color to dark green-blue in color. The Keyhole cichlid has the ability to undergo a rapid color change when frightened. The colors can change to a dark brown.

They can grow to sizes up to 6" (15 cm) in nature, although males rarely exceed 4" (10 cm) in captivity. Females only reach 3" (8 cm) in captivity. They are found in South America; paticullary in the Rio Maroni on the border of Surinam and French Guyana.

They should be kept in a tank with a capacity of 20 gallons (75 L). The tank should be well-planted with plenty of hiding places. The substrate should be fine gravel or sand. Leave open swimming areas. The water paremeters should be pH 6.0-7.7 (7.1), 3-20 dH (10), and tempuratures should be 72-77°F (22-25°C)

The Keyhole Cichlid is a shy, peaceful cichlid that can be combined with small schooling fishes . The parents form strong monogamous bonds. Some of the recommended tankmates include Tetras, Hatchetfish, Corydoras, Apistogramma, Loricarids, Gouramis.

They thrive when fed such foods as live; insect larvae, aquatic insects, crustaceans, worms; flakes; pellets. Provide a varied diet for this fish's colors to stand out.

Males are larger and his anal and dorsal fins are elongated.

When breeding this cichlid use water with a pH from 6.4-6.8, a water hardness from 3-12 dH, and a temperature from 75-79°F (24-26°C). An open brooder, as many as 300 eggs are deposited on a previously cleaned stone. The eggs are tended to by both parents, who fan them with fresh water and pick out unfertilized eggs. Sometimes a pair will eat their first brood, but will spawn again in a matter of days. If this behavior continues, the eggs should be removed after they are laid. The fry hatch after 3-5 days and are free-swimming several days later. Start feeding with roftiers and Artemia nauplii. The parents may continue their care for the fry for up to six months. The Keyhole Cichlid is an easily bred fish that often will spawn in a community tank. The Keyhole Cichlid requires frequent partial water changes. This cichlid is nervous, thus care should be taken when performing tank maintenance. The Keyhole Cichlid is a hardy cichlid which can tolerate a range of water propertiesJe Keyhole Cichlid

*This article was written by Cichlid Lover from our forum and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from her.

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