Keeping greens green longer


I have a method for storing both store bought and self harvested greens that keeps them fresh longer.

Have ready:
Clean food storage bags
Clean large mouthed containers, like jars, mugs etc.

As soon as you get the greens home

Remove them from the store bag.
Remove any rubber bands or twist ties
Pull all leaves that look like they have gone, yellowed, tattered, black spots, mold, etc.
Cut about 2 inches +/- off of the stem bottoms
Place the bundle, stems down into a large mouth container
Add only enough fresh cold water to cover the stems.
The water must not touch the leaves.
Cover each with the clean food storage bag, open end down
Use a long twist tie, rubber band, or tie of your choice around the neck of the container to secure the bag. This keeps the bundle together and helps keep the water from being dumped.
Store the containers of greens upright in the refridgerator.
Change the water every other day or more often if needed.

*Wash the leaves just before you use them

Alternate Method;
Easier to store

Follow the steps above up to the step where the greens are placed in a large mouth container.
Lay out 3 sheets of paper towels (# depends on size of green bundle) on the counter or table
Lay the leaves spread out and aligned onto the top half of the paper toweling
Roll the leaves loosely in the paper towels
Place the bundle, stem ends down, into a clean food storage bag
Add enough water to cover half of the stems. Do not add too much water.
The leaves should not be stored immersed in water, they will rot.
Use a tie to secure the bundle at the top
Store the bundle at a slant in the crisper drawer
Change the water every other day

*Wash leaves just before you use them.

I have found that these methods enable the greens to stay crisper and fresher longer.
Washing the leaves before storing actually causes them to deteriorate faster.

*This article was written by Zenndog from our forum and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from her.

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