Congo Tetra

 The Congo Tetra has a laterally compressed body, large eyes, and large scales. The body in reflected light is iridescent green, blue, yellow, and sometimes even violet. the dorsal and caudal fins are transparent to brown, while the tail has a white fringe. The fins are elongated and flowing. This fish normally grows to a length of 5" (13 cm).

Common tankmates include the Golden Congo Tetra ( Phenacogrammas aurantiacus ), Black Banded Congo Tetra ( P. huloti ).

The Congo Tetra comes from the Zaire or Congo River in Western Africa and prefers the bottom and middle layers of the tank.
Adult fish should be kept in a 45-55 gallon (170-209 L) tank. The tank should be well-planted with a cover of floating plants to diffuse the lighting. Leave open swimming areas. Use good filtration to keep the water clean. Water parameters should be in the ranges of 6-7.5 (6.7)pH; 4-18 dH (7); and water temperatures should be about 73-82°F (23-28°C).
The Congo Tetra is a peaceful fish recommended for most community tanks. Do not combine this African Tetra with fish that have a fin-nipping nature such as barbs. The Congo Tetra can be kept in pairs or in schools.
Some of the recommended tankmates include Peaceful Synodontis, Pelvicachromis, South American tetras, Corydoras, Discus, Glass Catfish.
The Congo Tetra is occasionally a timid eater that may not eat when it feels uncomfortable. Live; insect larvae, brine shrimp, aquatic insects, Tubifex ; flakes; vegetable matter are foods that make up its diet which should be varied.
When sexing the male is larger and more colorful. Males have elongated dorsal, anal, and caudal fins
A pair should be kept in heavily planted tank with soft water. Feed the pair a varied diet of mosquito larvae, blood worms, and brine shrimp. Courtship is initiated by the morning sun or bright light. A pair will spawn in the shallows and will drop 300 eggs. Remove the pair after the spawning is complete. The eggs develop a hard shell before hatching. Fry hatch in six days. Start feeding with brine shrimp nauplii and Infusoria. These fish are difficult to breed but not impossible. Frequent water changes are required for the Congo Tetra to thrive.

*This article was written by Cichlid Lover from our forum and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from her.

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