
A truly beautiful fish, this elongated fish ranges in color, depending on the light, from blue to yellow. Its belly is white while the fins are blood red. The outer parts of these fins are transparent. It grows to a small size of 2.2" (5.6 cm) and prefers the middle and top areas of the tank. The tank should be at least 10 gallons and be arranged in dark colors including a dark substrate, well planted areas with open swimming areas, and be sure to use a tight fitting cover to keep this jumping fish in the tank.

It’s natural habitat can be found in South America; more specifically Rio Parana and Argentina.

This fish is an active, peaceful schooling fish that does well in a community tank in groups of four or more fish. Water parameters should range as follows: pH 6-8 (7.0), 2-28 dH (8), and water temperatures should be 64-82°F (18-28°C).

Other recommended tankmates include Corydoras, small loricarids, tetras, and Hatchetfish and are best fed on a diet of shrimp, Tubifex, insect larvae; and flake foods.
Males are smaller, more colorful during spawning season than the females, and have small hooks on anal fin. This fish is fairly easy to breed for an egg-laying fish. Spawning takes place near the surface, just after dawn in slightly acidic, soft water. 300-800 clear eggs are laid among plants. As these eggs fall to the bottom, the parents quickly begin to devour them. Remove the parents, or use netting that can be placed just above bottom, so the eggs fall through, out of the parents reach. The eggs hatch in 20-25 hours. Start feeding with brine shrimp nauplii, crushed flake food, and other small live foods. Breeding is not difficult with this species.
This fish can be kept in an unheated tank, but the colors may fade. This fish is hardy and has reportedly lived more than 12 years in captivity. Catch this fish with care, so not to tear the small hooks on the anal fin of the male. This fish is a hardy community fish recommended as a fish fit for a beginning aquariasts.