Indian Algae Eater, Chinese Algae Eater, Sucking Loach

These fish have a flat belly profile. The mouth is located on the underside of the snout and is suction-cup shaped. The caudal fin is forked. The back is a copper-brown color, while the lower parts are silvery-white. A brown stripes extends from the snout, through the eye, and back to the caudal fin. They can grow to sizes up to 11" (28 cm) in nature. They originate from Thailand in Southeast Asia. They are naturally bottom dwellers. One note of caution regarding the Chinese Algae Eater, when they are juveniles they do eat algae in the tank, but once the mature into adulthood they become very aggressive.
A tank with a capacity of 20-30 gallons (75-114 L) is recommended for fish up to 4" (10 cm). Larger fish should be kept in larger tanks. Use strong lighting to promote the growth of algae. Use roots, wood, and rocks to provide hiding places. Tough plants can be used.
They can live in water parameters of pH 6.5-8 (7.2), 5-20 dH (10), and temperatures of 75-82°F (24-28°C). With this in mind they are a very versitable fish. The tank should be well-planted and have open-swimming areas.)
This is a fish territorial towards others of its own species. Well suited as an algae eater for a community tank with larger fish.
Other recommended species include Gouramis, Danios, Barbs, Loaches, Acaras, Angelfish, Eartheaters, and Knifefish.
It’s diet should consist of Algae; vegetables; spinach, lettuce; vegetable flakes, tablets; live; worms, crustaceans.
It is unknown how to sex these fish. Some claim that males have more "thorns" around the mouth. These fish are not normally successfully bred in captivity.

*This article was written by Cichlid Lover from our forum and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from her.

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